

Get the Graphic data bounded by the current selection. Returns a view of the full data array. If the Graphic is a collection, such as a LineStack, it returns a list of views of the full array. Can be performed on the parent Graphic or on another graphic by passing to the graphic arg.

NOTE: You must be aware of the axis for the selector. The sub-selected data that is returned will be of shape [n_points_selected, 3]. If you have selected along the x-axis then you can access y-values of the subselection like this: sub[:, 1]. Conversely, if you have selected along the y-axis then you can access the x-values of the subselection like this: sub[:, 0].


graphic (Graphic, optional) – if provided, returns the data selection from this graphic instead of the graphic set as parent


view or list of views of the full array, returns None if selection is empty

Return type:

np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray], or None